Ladies nowadays keep large hopes for their fantasy guy: „He’s smart, rich, sports, delicate, good-looking, amusing…”

And numerous others and on as well as on.

But, the simple truth is, truly impossible to get a hold of an individual who is the complete bundle. Its more like he’s got one principal trait and a couple additional delicious pieces inside the personality.

Here are some common schemas of males. Likely his principal characteristic will fall under these categories:

1. The Provider.

This guy always provides their Blackberry, laptop or the latest „Economist” at hand. The guy works difficult and life an upscale life style.

Any time you marry him, then you won’t be fretting about funds or dealing with them, however you may undergo less personal time making use of the husband, would youn’t have the spare time to train football or drive carpool.

2. The Fixer.

This one is rather mechanized. From your home fixes to car aspects, you never must contact a handyman. He is a hands-on guy and is constantly tinkering away at small projects.

The downside to this man is actually he might never be the breadwinner, in the event that’s what you’re finding, but he will probably be a practical dad.


„Don’t question he’ll generate a

great husband and grandfather, too.”

3. The Thinker.

You can sniff a thinker from a two-minute conversation. This guy is mental. He is a thoughtful planner and a decision-maker.

Regarding the downside, he may not stay an extremely natural existence. If interest and smart conversations commonly your cup a tea, you may want to prevent this guy.

Bonus: he or she is most likely a good monetary partner and prepared to assist the kids around with regards to science tasks.

4. The Caregiver.

This guy is a great partner and a good caretaker. If you like a guy who is able to make, clean and cultivate, he is the one. He’s very happy to care for you, whether you’ve got the flu or simply want to be catered to from time to time.

He could end up being a nurse, a paramedic, a firefighter. You should not doubt he’s going to create an excellent partner and daddy as well, not if you feel a caregiver is equivalent to a person whom spoils you.

5. The Metrosexual.

We Have Now all identified this guy before. He’s outfitted on nines and could move you to self-conscious regarding your dress. He’s going to join you for a mani/pedi and brow waxing and makes fantastic eye candy.

You will be combating for bathroom time in the days with him in which he is thus involved within his appearance that baby barf on his Armani suit might deliver him into a tizzy.

Which kind of guys are you attracted to?

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